For my CLI project, I chose to scrape the National Science Foundation website for articles on new discoveries. On the initial page where the articles are listed I scraped the name, date and url as object attributes. Thre was one problem though, because in my code when I go “one level deep” I ask the user if s/he would like to view an excerpt of the article picked in the cli from the printed list.
If inspect is opened at the above link, you can see the excerpt for the article is accesible by a href value, on another webpage. There may be a way to workaround this and grab text from a url link while scraping, but in the interest of time I decided to parse through the article ‘brief description’ page with nokogiri.
class NewScience::Scraper
def self.scrape
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(""))
whole_page = doc.css(".media.l-media")
whole_page.each do |news|
date = news.css("span.l-media__date").text.strip
name = news.css(".media-heading.l-media__heading").text.strip
url = "" + "#{news.css("a").attr("href").value}", date, url)
NewScience::Article.all.each do |article|
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(article.url))
article.desc = doc.css("p:nth-child(7)").text.strip
I also decided to assign the css of the second nokogiri usage to the description setter for my Article instance. This made it easy to call in my CLI file. When the user is prompted to choose whether to see a short description of the article selected in the list method, entering ‘yes’ returns @desc
if input.to_i > 0
article_choice = NewScience::Article.find_by_index(input.to_i - 1)
puts ""
puts "#{}".white.on_blue
puts "#{}".white.on_blue
puts "#{article_choice.url}".white.on_blue
puts ""
puts "Do you want to read an excerpt of the journal article? Type 'yes' or 'no'.".cyan
input = gets.strip
if input == 'yes'
puts article_choice.desc.white.on_blue
I was pleased to find out how simple it was to create this project when I realized, as Avi said, just write what the code should do before knowing how to make it work.